Thursday 9 January 2014

OK - it's been over 2 years since I posted anything on my blog. Perhaps this is just not my thing or maybe I've been too lazy and/or busy? I really can't argue that I haven't had any time at all to do something. Perhaps it's a lack of understanding or confidence in these new communication methods? Not so new now though.
What this means of course is that anyone who did follow my blog two years ago has long since stopped looking - why would they keep looking when nothing ever got added? It could also mean that adding this now is possibly a complete waste of time as no-one will read it. Anyway, a New Year resolution must be attempted - making better use of blogs, twitter and Linkedin. I need to learn how to do this before I can make better use!
Where to start a 2 year catch up? I'm going to do this a bit by bit as it will take far too long otherwise.
A recap;
I started Positive Education Solutions (PES Ltd) soon after taking early retirement because I was very keen to use my experience as a successful headteacher and facilitator. I wanted to contribute and make a difference to pupils' learning experiences by helping leaders and schools to improve what they do. I remain passionate about the importance of making sure that pupils get the best possible deal while in school to have better life choices and opportunities in their future. Fundamental to this is high quality leadership resulting in high quality schools. It would appear from OFSTED findings in England and my now fairly extensive experience of reviewing schools in the US (45 schools now) that the poor quality of leadership in too many schools remains a serious issue. Good schools don't tend to have poor leaders.
I have managed to contribute through facilitating the new NPQML programme, articles and webinars (mainly National College) on aspects of leadership and hopefully through working as a lead reviewer in the US. (The review process we use is generally much more "working with" than my experience of inspections in the UK.) I am also developing "Core Culture" - my attempt at showing what leaders (mainly school but also generic) should do to establish a culture which will enable sustainable improvement and organisational success.
More to follow (I promise!) - run out of time for now.  If anyone finds this - please comment.


  1. I would be supportive on all your articles and blogs as a result of they are simply up to the

  2. I would be supportive on all your articles and blogs as a result of they are simply up to the
